Friday Night Lights Football


Cheatham County Football!  Time for Friday Night Lights!  All teams have had good seasons, fought hard and represented their schools well. fdThe bands have wowed their fans, working hard to bring great entertainment for half-time!  Cheerleaders have cheered on their teams, smiling for the crowd and pepping up the fans in the stands. The football teams have won some, lost some, touchdowns, tackles, first downs, close calls but most of all stuck together and fought to the end as a team.

Parents and coaches have stressed, been blessed and probably a few times wondered what they’d gotten themselves into but through it all were their for the players, cheerleaders and band members who were pushing to make everyone proud!

Tonight the “boys of fall” are close to finishing out their football season in Cheatham County! Some will be “pinked out” tonight supporting Breast Cancer Awareness, Cheatham Central High School Cubs are battling the Harpeth High School Indians for the “Axe” and Sycamore High school Eagles are playing Stewart County High School and recognizing senior football players and cheerleaders.

It’ll be cold out tonight, bring a blanket and jacket, there’s still time to make it, just a few minutes now before kick-0ff time!  I’m headed out! Hope to see you there!  Let’s go Cubs, Indians and Eagles!

-Tonya Steele